Sunday, January 11, 2015

Diamond kitty, Oct 24, 2012-Dec 26, 2014.

We had to put Diamond to permanent sleep at Christmas time. Both of us were heartbroken.  She is now buried on our place underneath a new tree, a Live Oak.  Hope the tree makes it.

Diamond's last portrait, taken Dec. 22, 2014 with her brother Butch, the black and white.  Best of Friends.  He adored her.  He also showed us where she had hidden on her last day in our house, a scene forever embedded in my mind.

The following is my favorite of the two when they were just 5 weeks old, Dec 1, 2012.

I've taken many pictures of her over the past two years so will always have those to jog my memory of her antics and beauty.  Sometimes I called her my tomboy because she was such a determined cat and willing to do as much if not more than her brothers did. Always wanted to be on her own 4 feet when investigating anything or going anyplace.  Once she even tried to figure out how to get a zipper to move so she could get inside a garment bag.  So cute, but her little paws just couldn't get that zipper to move.
She was the first of the litter to start cleaning herself, well before her eyes opened at 10 days. She also cleaned any kitten sleeping by her at the time, taking after her mother, Goldie.

The following is a filtered photo of her at 7 months old, sleeping in a doll chair.  Loved the pose.

My Jacob's Ladder Project # 6

Update:  Mid Dec sometime:
Having set the first J.L. quilt top aside for adding borders at this time, I've turned to working on the 2 color blocks.  These blocks will form two smaller quilts with corner stones and sashing as the original old quilt was put together.  18 blocks were already put together from over a year ago but 18 is not enough to make the lights and darks look decent in a quilt so ... made more sets of blocks to put another 18 blocks together.  Got those cut out and started but realized that if I wanted a 4 block x 5 block setting for two quilts, that I'd need  more blocks.  After all, I want these to be at least usable as lap quilts.  Into my stash to find some more fabric that would work for this.  I would even need 10 more blocks to make them 5x5 blocks setting. Oh, such a thought, finding 10 more colors to add to the quilts.   arghh! will the block making ever end? Oh, not sure how quilt #4, the final scrappy quilt will be but at least there will be enough left over pieces to do it!

On second thought, decided that I will take two sides of the one color blocks off the first quilt.  They are just too light to deal with. That will be a TV time project.   Will make a small baby quilt from those  extra 11.  and maybe I'll just do  4 x 4s  for the 2 color blocks.  As you can tell, I'm tired of making more of these blocks though I did find enough in my stash to make more blocks.

Here's some of my progress photos:

This is from the first batch of colors.  I've since rearranged some of the colors and sewn the blocks.  That  is when I decided that this set of blocks would be better off being made into two quilts. btw, these were finished over a year ago.  I am taking my time on these quilts.

Update January 11,
Have made the blocks that have already been cut.  I think I will just leave these as 4x5 block quilts which means just 4 more blocks to make.  With sashing & borders that should leave me with quilts that are at least 60x72 which are a nice size for twin bed toppers or to wrap ones' self up.

Continued in Part #7